General Landscape Uses: Primarily a specimen ornamental, can also be trained as a hedge.
Ecological Restoration Notes: Pollinator support, nitrogen fixation
Description: A gorgeous flowering shrub or small tree known for its fluffy, pink-and-white puffball blooms and fern-like foliage.
Dimensions: Height 6 – 12 ft.
Growth Rate: Fast
Native Range: Native to tropical S. America; distributed variously in tropics and sub-tropics; found throughout Caribbean
Native Habitats: Tropical lowland forests, riverbanks, forest edges, scrublands
Soils: Well drained, loamy
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate
Salt Water Tolerance: Low to moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low to moderate
Drought Tolerance: High
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Sun
Flower Color: filaments white at base and pink or red above
Flower Characteristics: Showy
Flowering Season: All year
Fruit: A legume pod that begins green and turns brown and dry when the seeds are ready
Wildlife and Ecology: Pollinator magnet, habitat and shelter
Horticultural Notes: Propagated by seed, cuttings
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