General Landscape Uses: border; mass planting; container or above-ground planter; edging; naturalizing; water garden; accent
Ecological Restoration Notes: soil stabilization and erosion control, water filtration and wetland restoration, supporting pollinators and biodiversity, drought and climate resilience, non-invasive growth and low maintenance
Description: herbaceous; ornamental grass
Dimensions: Height 2 – 4 ft.; Spread 2 – 3 ft.
Growth Rate: slow
Native Range: South Africa
Native Habitats: grasslands and savannas, forest margins and woodlands, wetlands and riparian zones, coastal and rocky areas
Soils: extended flooding; slightly alkaline; clay; sand; acidic; loam
Nutritional Requirements:
Salt Water Tolerance: Low
Salt Wind Tolerance: Moderate
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Sun
Flower Color: Pale Yellow
Flower Characteristics: Live only 2 days
Flowering Season: flowers periodically throughout the year
Fruit: Green, elongated, .5 to 1 in., dry or hard
Wildlife and Ecology: contributes to soil stability, pollinator support, and ecosystem resilience
Horticultural Notes: Propagation is by seed or division of the matted clumps. Whole plants are lifted, and the rhizomes divided every three years or when new plants are needed.
Kim Smith –
Beautiful flower.