General Landscape Uses: Accent plant, container planting, modern and mediterranean gardens
Ecological Restoration Notes: Drought resilience, soil stabilization, pollinator support, low maintenance, wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration
Description: Known for its leafless, rush-like stems and bird-like flowers.
Dimensions: Height 3 – 5 ft.
Growth Rate: Slow
Native Range: Africa
Native Habitats: Dry, rocky environments and grasslands
Soils: Well-drained, tolerates sandy and rocky soils
Nutritional Requirements: Low
Salt Water Tolerance: Moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Moderate
Drought Tolerance: High
Light Requirements: full sun to part sun
Flower Color: orange, orange-red
Flower Characteristics: bird-like
Flowering Season: Late autumn to early spring
Fruit: Woody, triangular capsule that splits open when mature.
Wildlife and Ecology: Pollinator attraction, seed dispersal, soil stabilization and erosion control, drought adaptation and climate resilience, wildlife habitat
Horticultural Notes: Grown from seed or division.
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