General Landscape Uses: Ornamental accent, container plant, coastal garden
Ecological Restoration Notes: Species preservation, soil stabilization and erosion control, habitat creation, drought and salt tolerance, carbon sequestration
Description: Bottle palm is a clean, slow growing palm tree. Perfect for areas around pools because it doesn’t “shed” its leaves or drop any berries.
Dimensions: Height 8 ft
Growth Rate: Slow
Native Range: Round Island, a small island near Mauritius in the Indian Ocean
Native Habitats: Tropical, coastal
Soils: Well-draining, sandy or loamy
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate
Salt Water Tolerance: Moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Moderate
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Sun
Flower Color: Yellowish
Flower Characteristics: Small, form on branched inflorescences below the crown
Flowering Season: All year
Fruit: Oval-shaped, black when ripe
Wildlife and Ecology: Fruit eaten by birds.
Horticultural Notes: Propagated by seed or transplantation
Laurie –
Beautiful, elegant, healthy, tall and gorgeous palm. She is a treasure and I love her. Smarty Plants Nursery has earned themselves a very happy and loyal customer!
michael mislan –
Plant came in great condition minor leaf damage in one of the leaves but looks great
Jessica –
its a big palm healthy the only complaint is that one of the fronds was cut
Rachel –
The plants are perfect.
Michael T. –
Very nice palm tree