General Landscape Uses: Climbing vine, container plant
Ecological Restoration Notes: Pollinator support, erosion control,
Description: Stephanotis Vine is a tropical climbing plant with sweet scented flowers. The leaves are a dark glossy green, though these are sometimes available in a variegated form. Stephanotis flowers are known for their use in bridal bouquets.
Dimensions: Height 4 ft.
Growth Rate: Moderate
Native Range: Madagascar
Native Habitats: Tropical forests and wooded areas
Soils: Well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral (pH 6 – 7)
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate
Salt Water Tolerance: Low
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Flower Color: White
Flower Characteristics: Fragrant, tubular
Flowering Season: Spring and summer
Fruit: Large, green when immature turning brown as it matures, leathery
Wildlife and Ecology: Supports local polinators
Horticultural Notes: Grown from cuttings or seed
Paula Zinn –
Beautiful plant. Very healthy thank you
Alla Aleshin –
Green and well appointed.