General Landscape Uses: Hedges and boarders, accent plant, container gardening, cut flowers, pollinator attraction
Ecological Restoration Notes: In certain urban greening and pollinator friendly restoration projects, it can contribute to biodiversity and habitat enhancement.
Description: A large-flowered, evergreen shrub prized for its fragrant, creamy-white blooms and glossy green foliage.
Dimensions: Height 4 – 8; Spread 3 – 6 ft
Growth Rate: Moderate
Native Range: China, Japan, and Southeast Asia
Native Habitats: Warm, humid, subtropical to tropical forests
Soils: Well-drained, Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0),
Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate
Salt Water Tolerance: Low to Moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low to Moderate
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Sun
Flower Color: White
Flower Characteristics: Showy, Fragrant
Flowering Season: Spring, Summer
Fruit: Small, oval to round, starts green, ripens to orange or yellow
Wildlife and Ecology: Supports pollinators, improves air quality, and enhances biodiversity
Horticultural Notes: Grown from cuttings.
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