General Landscape Uses: Edible landscaping, shade tree, pollinator and wildlife garden
Ecological Restoration Notes: Soil stabilization and erosion control, pollinator and wildlife habitat support, carbon sequestration, climate resilience and adaptation,
Description: Starfruit is an odd shaped fruit with a sweet flavor. The fruit producing season is from August – March with an abundance of fruit during that period.
Dimensions: Height 12 ft.
Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
Native Range: Southeast Asia
Native Habitats: Tropical rainforests and humid lowlands, riparian zones
Soils: Well-draining, loamy, or sandy soil with good organic content, ph 5.5 – 6.5
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate
Salt Water Tolerance: Low
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Flower Color: Pink to lavender
Flower Characteristics: Small, star-shaped that grow in clusters on branches and trunk
Flowering Season: All year
Fruit: Star-shaped, green when unripe turning bright yellow to golden-orange when mature
Wildlife and Ecology: Supports pollinators, food for birds and small mammals, shade tree in tropical forests
Horticultural Notes: Propagation by seed, grafting, or air layering
Stephanie Conner –
Plant arrived with fruit on it.