(1 customer review)

Confederate Jasmine – Variegated – Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Variegatum’


1 gallon/6"
1 gallon/6" Installed
3 gallon/10"
3 gallon/10" Installed
SKU: EX61 Categories: , ,

General Landscape Uses: Ornamental landscaping, fragrance in garden, container planting, wildlife attraction

Ecological Restoration Notes: Ground cover and erosion control, habitat enhancement for wildlife

Description: Variegated Confederate Jasmine is a fast growing vine with very attractive variegated white and green leaves. It produces bunches of small, white flowers all year round that have a wonderful fragrance! Perfect for a trellis or fence!

Dimensions: Height 5 ft.; Spread 4 – 6 ft.

Growth Rate: Fast

Native Range: East Asia

Native Habitats: Forests, woodlands, and along riverbanks.

Soils: Well-draining, fertile, loamy soils with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6 – 7.5)

Nutritional Requirements: Moderate

Salt Water Tolerance: Low to Moderate

Salt Wind Tolerance: Moderate

Drought Tolerance: Moderate

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Flower Color: White

Flower Characteristics: Small, fragrant

Flowering Season: All year

Fruit: Small, seed-filled capsule

Wildlife and Ecology: Flowers attract bees, butterflies, and moths, contributing to garden biodiversity.  Dense foliage also provides cover for small animals.

Horticultural Notes: Propagated by cuttings or layering.




Pot Size

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1 review for Confederate Jasmine – Variegated – Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Variegatum’

  1. Quentin

    This vine does well in full sun.

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