(2 customer reviews)

Cyrtostachys lakka, Lipstick Palm, Red Sealing Wax Palm – Cyrtostachys renda


3 gallon/10"
3 gallon/10" Installed
7 gallon/14"
7 gallon/14" Installed
15 gallon/17"
15 gallon/17″ Installed
25 gallon/21"
25 gallon/21″ Installed
SKU: EX175 Categories: , , , ,

General Landscape Uses: Ornamental and tropical landscaping, water gardens and wetland landscaping, privacy screens and windbreaks,

Ecological Restoration Notes: Soil stabilization and erosion control, water filtration and flood control

Description: A striking tropical palm known for its bright red crown shafts and petioles.

Dimensions: Height 8 – 15 ft.; Spread 5 – 10 ft.

Growth Rate: Moderate to slow

Native Range: Malay peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra

Native Habitats: Lowland tropical rainforests, riverbanks, and peat swamps

Soils: Rich, loamy, well-draining

Nutritional Requirements: Moderate

Salt Water Tolerance: Low

Salt Wind Tolerance: Low

Drought Tolerance: Moderate

Light Requirements: Full to part sun

Flower Color: Greenish-white

Flower Characteristics: Showy

Flowering Season: July

Fruit: Small, round, and black when ripe

Wildlife and Ecology: Flowers attract bees and small pollinating insects.  Fruits are eaten by birds and small mammals, aiding in seed dispersal.

Horticultural Notes: Grown from seed, clump division


Pot Size

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2 reviews for Cyrtostachys lakka, Lipstick Palm, Red Sealing Wax Palm – Cyrtostachys renda

  1. Freddy

    Expensive but worth it.

  2. Elyse

    I love the red trunk.

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