(2 customer reviews)

Giant Sword Fern, Macho Fern – Nephrolepis biserrata ‘Macho’


1 gallon/6"
1 gallon/6" Installed
3 gallon/10"
3 gallon/10" Installed
7 gallon/14"
7 gallon/14" Installed
SKU: EX75 Categories: , , , ,

General Landscape Uses: Ground cover and mass plantings, understory plant in woodland and tropical gardens, borders and edging, container planting and hanging baskets

Ecological Restoration Notes: Erosion control and soil stabilization, reforestation and understory regeneration, habitat restoration and wildlife support, wetland and riparian rehabilitation, air purification

Description: Macho Fern is lush and leafy. Use this plant as a fast growing groundcover for sun or shade.

Dimensions: Height 3 ft.

Growth Rate: Fast

Native Range: North America, Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, northern Australia

Native Habitats: Moist forests, swamps, along riverbanks

Soils: Well-draining, rich in organic matter, slightly acidic to neutral pH (5.5 – 7)

Nutritional Requirements: Moderate

Salt Water Tolerance: Low to moderate

Salt Wind Tolerance:  Moderate

Drought Tolerance: Moderate

Light Requirements: Full sun to shade

Flower Color: N/A

Flower Characteristics: N/A

Flowering Season: N/A

Fruit: N/A

Wildlife and Ecology: Provides shelter for small animals, insects, and amphibians

Horticultural Notes: Propagation by runners (stolons), spores




Pot Size

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2 reviews for Giant Sword Fern, Macho Fern – Nephrolepis biserrata ‘Macho’

  1. Cheryl Feld

    nice a little weary from the trip but perked up quickly

  2. Connie M.

    A beautiful full green fern.

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