Jaboticaba – Myrciaria cauliflora


3 gallon/10"
3 gallon/10" Installed
15 gallon/17"
15 gallon/17″ Installed
25 gallon/21"
25 gallon/21″ Installed
SKU: EX58 Categories: , , ,

General Landscape Uses: Specimen tree, hedge or screen planting, shade tree, edible landscape, container planting, erosion control and soil stabilization, wildlife attraction

Ecological Restoration Notes: Native species reforestation, soil improvement and erosion control, wildlife support and biodiversity enhancement, carbon sequestration, microclimate regulation

Description: Jaboticaba is a small bushy tree that has many branches. The fruit is grape-like with a tough skin and pulp in the inside. You can eat them fresh, make jam, or freeze to enjoy all year. The fruit only grows on old growth so it is best not to prune the tree.

Dimensions: Height 15 ft.

Growth Rate: Slow

Native Range: Brazil

Native Habitats: Atlantic Forest biome, riparian forests, tropical rainforests, semi-deciduous forests

Soils: Well-draining, slightly acidic (pH 5.5 – 6.5)

Nutritional Requirements: Moderate

Salt Water Tolerance: Low

Salt Wind Tolerance: Moderate

Drought Tolerance: Moderate

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Flower Color: White, creamy-white

Flower Characteristics: Small, numerous delicate stamens

Flowering Season: After heavy rains or seasonal moisture

Fruit: Small, grape-like, dark purple to black

Wildlife and Ecology: Provides food for birds, mammals, and insects.

Horticultural Notes: Grown from seed, grafting, air layering, cuttings


Pot Size

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