Muhlygrass, Hairawn muhly – Muhlenbergia capillaris


1 gallon/6"
1 gallon/6" Installed
3 gallon/10"
3 gallon/10" Installed
SKU: NA87 Categories: , , , , Brand: ,

General Landscape Uses: Accent grass or groundcover. Wildflower gardens.

Description: Medium to large herbaceous grass with wiry leaves.

Dimensions: Typically 2-3 feet in height; to 5 feet when in flower. About as broad as tall, except when in flower.

Growth Rate: Moderate.

Range: Widespread in much of eastern and central North America south to the Monroe County Keys; West Indies, Mexico and Central America. Rare in the Monroe County Keys, very rare in the upper Keys and very rare or absent in the middle Keys.

Habitats: Pinelands, marl prairies and marshes.

Soils: Wet to moist, seasonally inundated freshwater or brackish soils, without humus.

Nutritional Requirements: Low to moderate; it can grow in nutrient poor soils or soils with some organic content.

Salt Water Tolerance: Moderate; tolerates brackish water or occasional inundation by salt water.

Salt Wind Tolerance: High; can tolerate moderate amounts of salt wind without significant injury.

Drought Tolerance: Moderate; generally requires moist soils, but tolerant of short periods of drought once established.

Light Requirements: Full sun to light shade.

Flower Color: Purple inflorescence.

Flower Characteristics: Showy when at peak.

Flowering Season: Summer-winter; peak in fall.

Fruit: Inconspicuous caryopsis.

Wildlife and Ecology: Provides excellent cover for small wildlife.

Horticultural Notes: Can be grown from seed or divisions.


Pot Size

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