General Landscape Uses: Indoor, tropical garden, container plant
Ecological Restoration Notes: Not recommended
Description: A striking tropical plant known for its bold, variegated foliage and architectural form.
Dimensions: Height 6 – 20 ft.
Growth Rate: Slow to moderate
Native Range: Madagascar, Mauritius, and other Indian Ocean islands
Native Habitats: Tropical coastal forests, open woodlands, rocky outcrops and forest edges
Soils: Well-draining
Nutritional Requirements: Low to moderate
Salt Water Tolerance: Moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Sun
Flower Color: White, cream, or light green
Flower Characteristics: Small, tubular
Flowering Season: Not consistent or predictable
Fruit: Small, capsule-like
Wildlife and Ecology: Shelter and microhabitat creation
Horticultural Notes: Grown from cuttings
Comments: Mildly toxic to pets (especially cats and dogs) if ingested—can cause vomiting or drooling.
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