General Landscape Uses: Orchard Tree, Shade Tree, Privacy Screen, Pollinator and Wildlife Support, Tropical Garden Aesthetic, Erosion Control
Ecological Restoration Notes: Limited due to its status as a non-native, cultivated species primarily developed for agricultural purposes.
Description: The most widely grown and consumed avocado variety in the world.
Dimensions: Height 30 – 40 ft.
Growth Rate: Moderate to Fast
Native Range: Mexico and Central America
Native Habitats: Tropical and subtropical forests, riparian zones, volcanic slopes and fertile highlands
Soils: Well-drained with a pH of 6 – 7. Avoid heavy waterlogged soils.
Nutritional Requirements: Balanced
Salt Water Tolerance: Low to Moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Sun
Flower Color: Greenish-yellow
Flower Characteristics: small, appear in clusters
Flowering Season: late winter to early spring
Fruit: Pear-shaped, goes from dark green to almost black when ripe
Wildlife and Ecology: Flowers attract bees and other beneficial pollinators and fruit provides food for wildlife – bird and small mammals.
Horticultural Notes: Propagation from grafting and seed.
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