(3 customer reviews)

Banana – Musa acuminata ‘Cavendish’


7 gallon/14"
7 gallon/14" Installed
SKU: EX7 Categories: , , ,

General Landscape Uses: Food production, ornamental, erosion control, wildlife support

Ecological Restoration Notes: Soil restoration and erosion control, agroforestry and sustainable land use, microclimate regulation, wildlife habitat and food source

Description: Bananas are one of the most cultivated fruit in the world. They grow in a clump. The banana plant produces fruit only once so you can trim out the older plants to make way for the new plants.

Dimensions: Height 6 – 8 ft.

Growth Rate: Fast

Native Range: Southeast Asia

Native Habitats: Tropical and subtropical lowland forests, thriving in warm, humid climates.

Soils: Rich, well-draining with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6 – 7)

Nutritional Requirements: High

Salt Water Tolerance: Low

Salt Wind Tolerance: Low

Drought Tolerance: Moderate to Low

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Flower Color: Yellowish-white

Flower Characteristics: Large, purple bracts with tubular flowers underneath.

Flowering Season: All year

Fruit: Curved, cylindrical, and typically 6 – 8 in long; green when unripe, turning bright yellow when ripe

Wildlife and Ecology: Provides habitat and foot for some insects and birds.

Horticultural Notes: Grown from suckers (pups) and tissue culture
