General Landscape Uses: Accent, Street Tree, Sidewalk Tree
Ecological Restoration Notes: Reforestation and habitat restoration
Description: Dense Evergreen, Oval Leaves
Dimensions: Height 30 – 35 ft; Spread 20 – 25 ft.
Growth Rate: Moderate
Native Range: Central America, Caribbean, and parts of northern South America
Native Habitats: Dry and semi-humid tropical ecosystems
Soils: Well-drained, sandy or loamy
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate to low
Salt Water Tolerance: Low to moderate
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: High
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Flower Color: Yellow to orange
Flower Characteristics: Clusters, butterfly-like
Flowering Season: Rainy season or shortly after the first significant rainfall
Fruit: Flat, pod-like legume
Wildlife and Ecology: Soil improvement, wildlife habitat, erosion control and reforestation, drought tolerance
Horticultural Notes: Propagated by seed or cuttings.
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